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Trans People Are Essential to KC—Let’s Make Sure Our Needs Are Heard!

We need to talk about something super important—trans joy and trans needs.

At Queer Connect KC, we believe that trans people aren’t just a part of the community, they’re essential to its vibrancy and strength. From the activism that pushes us toward a more inclusive city, to the art, music, and culture that makes Kansas City so special, trans and non-binary folks are a cornerstone of everything that makes this city feel alive.

But here's the thing: Trans joy—the joy of simply being who we are—is something that’s too often under threat. We’re still fighting for healthcare that affirms us, safe housing, fair employment, and a world where we can walk down the street without fear. And that’s why the City of Kansas City needs your input on the Trans Needs Assessment.

This survey isn’t just about collecting data. It’s about giving trans and non-binary people the chance to share what we need to live healthy, joyful, and safe lives in Kansas City. It’s about making sure that the city has a clear understanding of the issues we face, and that they can do better in meeting our needs. It’s about lifting our voices so that trans joy can flourish in every corner of KC.

Why Your Voice Matters

If you’re a trans or non-binary person in Kansas City, your voice is powerful. The answers you share in this survey will help the city shape its policies, programs, and resources for the trans community. Whether it’s creating more inclusive healthcare, improving workplace protections, or making sure our neighborhoods are safe, the data from this survey will be a key part of changing how Kansas City serves trans people.

And if you’re someone who loves or supports a trans or non-binary person, you can help too! Share the survey link, encourage your friends to take it, and spread the word. The more voices that speak up, the more likely it is that our joy and our needs will be prioritized.

How to Help: Fill It Out and Share!

Here’s how you can make a difference right now:

1. Fill out the surveyIf you identify as trans or non-binary and live in Kansas City, this survey is for you. It only takes a few minutes to fill out, but your input will make a huge difference in the resources and support available to our community. Take a moment to fill it out today!

2. Share with friendsDo you know anyone who’s trans or non-binary in Kansas City? Encourage them to fill out the survey too! The more responses the city gets, the stronger the impact will be.

3. Spread the word on social mediaSocial media is a powerful tool. Share the link with your followers and ask them to help spread the word. The more people who know about this survey, the more chances we have to make a real impact on Kansas City’s future for trans and non-binary people.

What Happens After the Survey?

Once the data is collected, it will be used by the city to improve programs, policies, and resources for the trans community. This could mean better access to healthcare, safer spaces to live, and more opportunities for employment. The survey results will help guide the way Kansas City develops policies that support us, celebrate us, and provide the resources we need to thrive.

Don’t Wait—Take Action Today!

The survey won’t be open forever, so don’t put it off. Fill it out today, and don’t forget to share it with your community! We want to make sure every trans and non-binary person in KC has a voice in this process.

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